IMO Health partners Our trusted partners in healthcare innovation EHR and point of care integration partners IMO Health clinical terminology, diagnoses search,...
Our Story Enhancing the power of clinical data Intelligently. Efficiently. Strategically. Informing better healthcare decisions IMO Health is a clinical data intelligence...
Problem lists and documentation Create, discover, and use better clinical patient data in your EHR IMO Health’s problem list solutions streamline clinical...
Procedure documentation and coding Standardize procedure terms, coding, and documentation We ensure your EHR data is structured and mapped to the right...
Surgical scheduling and OR efficiency Optimize surgical scheduling and perioperative processes IMO Core Periop strengthens the surgical dictionary to help schedule procedures...
Value set management Simplify the creation and maintenance of reliable patient cohorts Streamline value set creation and data maintenance workflows to identify...
Transforming data. Transforming healthcare. Employing AI and rich terminology to unlock the power, potential, and purpose of clinical data. Our Solutions 740...