Product News

In a year so dominated by the pandemic, it’s hard to imagine that anyone read or thought of anything else – but
IMO is committed to ensuring providers have the most up-to-date clinical terminology for documenting cases of the novel coronavirus. To help our
Precise, comprehensive value sets can help identify specific patient cohorts for population health initiatives and quality reporting requirements. Find out how IMO
IMO’s latest product, IMO Precision Normalize, will help healthcare providers and the companies that support them to gain more accurate insights with
Precise value sets are powerful tools that can help identify accurate patient cohorts for a variety of population health and quality reporting
The pause placed on elective surgeries won’t last forever, and neither will this unique opportunity to evaluate current surgical scheduling practices and
In order to gain and share insights on the coronavirus pandemic, we all need to be speaking the same clinical language. IMO’s
In this webinar, IMO Clinical Terminologist Julie Glasgow, MD, and Senior Product Manager Reeti Chauhan, discuss the terminology update and how to
In the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic, updates to COVID-19 coding guidelines, terms, and names are important for patient care, but
IMO is committed to helping healthcare providers with workflow and cohort management needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why we created
In medicine, value sets are key to identifying populations of interest. But without knowing who builds them – and how – it
With the unprecedented global outbreak of COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, it’s crucial that we all do our part to help. At IMO,